Prayers for Lee Sargent

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Bill Cobb
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Prayers for Lee Sargent

Post by Bill Cobb » Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:30 am

Time to really hit the prayer wagon ya'll. We need to help Lee through this.

Dear Stem Cells,
It must seem like forever since I wrote to all of you and I apologize for
that. We were disappointed with the results of the first protocol. Dr.
Hurd suggested a more aggressive plan in order to try to crush the
leukemic cells deeper in medicine jail so that my White Blood cells would
have a chance to stay ahead when the next race began.

I began that more aggressive chemo on Dec 21st. The serious side effect
began on Dec 23rd when nausea denied me the chance to eat or drink
anything. Today is January 5th and I still have not been able to hold
anything down. I exist on intravenous feeding or 'TPN' and have
continuous saline also to keep my body hydrated. The problem is that I
would kill to taste something rather than being held in food jail and to
be told that I'm eating well.

The inevitable mouth sores arrived with a vengeance. My mouth looks most
of the time like my labs which just killed a raccoon and want to show
Janet and me their trophy.

We had my 5th bone marrow scan on Thursday and it was not good. Normally
I would be beginning another chemo round but the doctors won't do it
because my mouth wounds are still open. I have agreed to a 6th bone
marrow biopsy next Thursday. That was a normal protocol for many years.

Obviously, we are moving toward a crisis time. I don't feel well enough
to analyze everything I face but God knows and I will listen to God!

Thanks to each and every one of you for your continued encouragement and
support. I owe every one of you my best effort and I am trying to do
that. At the moment, that is very difficult.

Love to all,

Last edited by Bill Cobb on Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MrMac » Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:19 pm

On it.

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Post by wildcat2001 » Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:09 pm

Praying for Lee
"that big jug headed gent can't deal with brooks down low" - Gerdy from Thirty

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Post by captneff26 » Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:21 am


In fact, I'll do one here...

Father God, we know You are a gracious and merciful God. Those who also know You and know Lee join to ask that You pour Your blessings down on him and his family. If it is in Your will to do so, we pray for healing. We ask that You guide his doctors and give them wisdom and discernment as they go about treating him. Strengthen Lee that he might maintain the necessary will to fight this disease. May he also always know the comfort of Your presence and possess the knowledge that You love him and have done so since You knit him together in his mother's womb.

We pray for his family and also ask that You give them peace. We pray that You would send others into their lives to help care for their everyday needs as they go through this difficult time with Lee's sickness. We know that You above all others know suffering due to the death of Your Son on the cross, so You understand our tears when we experience tragedy, suffering, and loss in this fallen world.

We thank you for Lee and his decades-long impact on our little community at Davidson, and we pray for more!

We pray all these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bill Cobb
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Post by Bill Cobb » Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:55 am

Dear Stem-Cells,

The results of the sixth biopsy were discouraging only in the sense that
they confirmed what all my family members around me intuitively knew to be
the case. The last chemotherapy protocol was the most aggressive that the
world of medicine can apply in AML cases and the final scoreboard showed
that the chemo beat the heck out of the MDS (JV leukemic cells) and my
body, but did nary any damage to the front-line leukemia cells. On more
than one occasion when my temperature approached 105.0++, the doctors
told Nancy that they were on the verge of dumping me on to the ice
mattress as my final defense as a neutropenic cancer patient.

The choice for me was clear. I could try to survive another round of
chemo or I could go home, try to find a few good days, good moments, good
chances to see a friend smile one more time. It was not a hard decision
in the end. On Monday morning, I will register with a Hospice and
Palliative Care in Mooresville. The goal is to keep me pain-free as much
as possible until the end. I am not going in to hiding but my lack of
energy will require me to do what I can reasonably do but allow time for
rest. The best number to call will be my home number until later when
Hospice House may become involved. Feel free to call (704) 892-4917 to
talk or come by for a short visit.

I want to thank every single stem-cell who has sent so much love and
energy in my direction. I can never thank you enough but I hope that
somewhere along in our lives I did something or I said something which
helped you overcome adversity or solve a problem. If I did, that will
probably be a satisfying and appropriate thought for each of us.

I will close this letter by saying that all medicine and science has been
swallowed up by the cruel disease called Acute Myeloid Leukemia. So what
do we need to win? We need a MIRACLE! And who has produced more
MIRACLES than JESUS, our Saviour. I have not given up my dream and I am
not worried. I am quietly smiling knowing that my hands are in Jesus's
hands and that is all I pray for at this point.
I love you all!

Coach.., Lee.., Lieutenant . and many others not fit for print.
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Post by MrMac » Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:25 pm

What a Witness....

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Post by captneff26 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:32 am

MrMac wrote:What a Witness....
Amen; and we shall pray on.

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Post by wildcat2001 » Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:51 am

Praying for Lee.
"that big jug headed gent can't deal with brooks down low" - Gerdy from Thirty

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Post by SteveS » Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:11 pm

Lee, you are a hero. As a soldier, a man, a leader, a husband and a father. My prayers are with you and with your family.

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Post by El_Gato_Loco » Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:28 am

Heard through the grapevine that Lee Sargent passed away yesterday...

A very sad day, but a a day to remember a great man and a fantastic member of the Wildcat community
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Bill Cobb
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Post by Bill Cobb » Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:07 pm

Yes, Lee died last night in his sleep.

I am going to start a thread in the next day or so recounting all that Lee has done for Davidson, for the area, and for the country. I hesitiated doing it until now, as Lee did his good work without fanfare and never showed a trace of hubris.
"I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter."
Crash Davis

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Post by bagelcat » Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:27 pm

A Good man; a Brave man. We'll miss you, Lee.

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Post by wildforthecats » Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:33 pm

Lee seemed like he was everywhere on campus for decades.

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Post by TrustsCommitsCaresForCats » Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:37 pm

Bill Cobb wrote:I am going to start a thread in the next day or so recounting all that Lee has done for Davidson, for the area, and for the country
That's a lot. Great man will be missed by many.

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Post by wildcat2001 » Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:27 pm

Requiescat in pace, Lee.
You have been in my prayers, and shall remain in them.
"that big jug headed gent can't deal with brooks down low" - Gerdy from Thirty

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