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New Category

Post by Bill Cobb » Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:18 am

David, Derek, and I are going to create a new category specifically to save unforgetable posts.

Right now we automatically purge posts over 31 days old. This category will enable us to save the posts that we want to keep for ever. Splinter Faction's and Landry Kosmalski's tourney posts come to mind.

It will be up in a couple of days. The mods have veto over what goes in and what stays out.
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Post by wildforthecats » Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:46 am

Please add '94's brain-cramp in forgetting about Martin Ides...


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Post by tennis08tarheels » Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:19 am

And every post ever made by gocougs.

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Post by Bill Cobb » Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:35 am

Ya'll, it is from this point on. All the older posts are long deleted (unless someone saved them on their own PC somewhere).
"I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter."
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Post by wildforthecats » Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:42 am

Okay, tennis's post about gocoug's posts...

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Post by stan » Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:07 pm

Surely, someone has CA's tale.

Anyone with serious computer skills capable of searching the dark recesses of google and retrieving stuff?

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Post by wildforthecats » Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:09 pm

stan wrote:Surely, someone has CA's tale.

Anyone with serious computer skills capable of searching the dark recesses of google and retrieving stuff?

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Post by DC69Wildcat » Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:34 pm

Graveline's post about his season ticket order:
i sent my application in i just got an email saying i've been awared two furman season tickets...crap
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Post by MikeMaloy15 » Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:11 pm

I've got to believe that CA can reproduce both of his tales, if asked.

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Post by GoCats » Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:35 pm

Here it is:

Lightning in a Bottle

Back at the dawn of time, before the creation of cable TV, when cagers roamed the earth clad in short shorts and kneepads, when keys were narrow and hook shots were common, The Gods of Basketball looked upon the NCAA and were displeased.
"We must do something: Bearcats, Hoosiers, Buckeyes and Tar Heels and the big schools are taking over our great game. We need to do something like we did in Indiana with Hickory, shake em up, give the little guy a chance."
And so it came to pass that a little tiny school with two security guards, in a town with three traffic lights (that went blinker at nine o'clock) was given the blessing of the Basketball Gods. The Left-Hander appeared and before long the little school no one had ever heard about began to make noise, a lot of noise.
They cracked the Buckeyes, sodomized the Blue Devils, roasted the Gamecocks, condemned the Demon Deacons, humiliated the Cavaliers, cutting a wide swath through the United States. The Tar Heels were afraid to play them. Afraid!
And so after getting within a buzzer beater of making the Final Four, two years in a row, Davidson was a basketball power and the Gods enjoyed the jest. Mayberry ruled, the Powers ran for cover.
But....a strange hubris began to take hold at Davidson. The rulers of Davidson began to believe that Davidson as a basketball power was in the natural order of things-it required no special effort, it would always be. So then the Left Hander came to King of Davidson and said: "There is a special player the Wildcats need, his name is Brian Taylor and though his board scores are low the Tigers, the school who we often compare ourselves to, have admitted him. Surely you Highness recognizes our needs and will allow him to be a Cat."
But after deliberation with his Henchmen, the King said: Our standards are holy and cannot be bent-go forth and find someone else to beat the Tar Heels with."
And the Gods were angry. Did not this little man understand the gift Davidson had been given? Did the King's Henchmen not appreciate the attention, the fame, the interest from students all over the country? Why would they spit in the God's faces?
And so the Gods took the Left Hander away. And when the King was given a second chance when Larry the Traveler became coach, he still did not change. So the Great Larry was taken away as further punishment.
But the Gods relented as they had always liked underdogs and enjoyed the jest so even after these two ungrateful and foolish decisions-they gave the Kingdom of the Cats the twenty-nine year old Terry the Dutchman. And though Terry could not get the Kingdom back to quite its former glory the Cats still sodomized Blue Devils, roasted Gamecocks, humiliated Cavaliers and offered the Tar Heels the chance to play-which they were still afraid to do for fear the Cats would rule all of Carolina.
But the Kingdom was in danger of losing its basketball power and the Dutchman knew it. So he rallied the merchants and Lords of the Kingdom, the Belks and the Littles, and met with King Sam. The Dutchman offered to raise sufficient funds on his own, to keep the Cats as powers. New facilities, more recruiting and travel money, all without asking King Sam for a farthing.
King Sam pondered and declared: "If I let the basketball team raise money it will hurt our other fund-raising. I deny your request now make do and begone."
The God were furious. Three times the King had spat on the gift, three times he had refused to do anything, three times he and his henchman, the accursed Faculty, imagined that the Cats would always be a basketball power.
The skies grew dark, the lightning struck and the earth split. The Dutchman left, recruits quit coming, the end came quick. Disaster begat disaster, by the time the King saw what had happened it was too late to fix. No fund-raising, no recruiting, no one player or coach could save it. The magic was gone, the lightning was out of the bottle and the Gods moved on to other small schools..

And so this is the terrible tale of how the basketball program of a little Kingdom in the middle of nowhere came this close to ruling the basketball world before the Gods destroyed it for the sin of hubris.....

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Post by GoCats » Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:38 pm

I liked the follow-up banter by our fellow cat fans as well:

Stan :And the gods who had blessed the lefthander with one of the greatest recruiting classes in all over history left barren the land formerly brimming with milk and honey. Names and records that had gathered dust and disinterest over the many years after the lightning had long been gone from the bottle were forgotten by the many. Only a few monks, devoted to the old order, kept the faith.

But one day the gods sent a new keeper for the bottle. Against all the odds, he insisted that the bottle still contained a spark from the magical days of old. At first, no one else could see it. But the keeper nurtured the bottle and breathed his own spark of life into it.

Wildcat92: And all this, dear reader, came to pass without lowering King Sam's standards, for the young knight and his band of brothers were all, to a man, deserving of places in that special little school in that special little town, and never will you hear that gainsaid. Yea, verily I say unto thee, most of the young knights errant who tended the flame in the days of the Lefthander would not gain admittance to that place today. And so, my young ones, be it known throughout the land, that Davidson does things the right way.

And verily it came to pass that Sir Dell and his Lady of Curry came to the keeper of the bottle and asked that he take care of their young knight in training. When the keeper agreed, Sir Dell entrusted him with a magic bean which had been a gift of the basketball gods. The magic bean was planted in the bottle.

The keeper watered the magic bean and cared for it until the beanstalk had grown all the way to the top of the NCAA sky. Then the keeper and young Steph climbed the beanstalk, defeated the Zag guarding the castle in the sky and then slew Goliath himself.

Stan: But Sir Steph's apprenticeship will someday end and he will go off to fight his own dragons. New knights in training must be found. And the story of the old myth is that the process and securing of talented young apprentices requires plentiful resources, good facilities, and a multitude of adoring masses to join the loyal monks. This requires a plan. A plan much like the one originally proposed by Terry the Dutchman.

The magic beanstalk is a wonderful gift. We don't ever want it to wither and die. More benefactors like Sir Dell and Lady Curry are not easily found when the beanstalk is gone. Better to develop and keep a pipeline of good young knights. And that requires adopting the plan and raising the resources which King Sam forbade.

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Post by 94cat » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:24 pm

wildforthecats wrote:forgetting about Martin Ides...

Who? :lol:
"Tyreke Evans ... WON'T be the best player from his class. Such an honor applies to another gem playing in northern California -- Stephen Curry. "

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Post by 94cat » Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:31 pm

"Tyreke Evans ... WON'T be the best player from his class. Such an honor applies to another gem playing in northern California -- Stephen Curry. "

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Post by Acorn » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:55 pm

94cat wrote:Ohhhhhh, you mean this guy?

Nobody recognized the man in that video clip as Martin.

He was solid, but nothing spectacular, in his four years on campus. Against Ohio State in the NCAA tournament, he was otherworldly. Those of us watching the game kept turning to each other and shrugging, "Who is this guy??!?!"

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Post by carlyle » Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:46 am

Don't forget the Duke vs. Goats video.

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