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Post by stevelee » Sun Jul 21, 2019 6:07 pm

I answered a call on the computer via my cell phone. It turned out to be a survey about sports. I was asked a lot of things, such as how much I consider myself a sports fan. I chose 3 out of 10. From my answers to most of the questions, that might have been a bit high. If there had been a question about how many flights and train trips one takes a year to attend sporting events, it would have sounded low. That was not in the mix.

The two easiest ones were my favorite college basketball and football teams. After the first one, I didn't have to repeat the answer to her for the second one so that she knew what I said.

She asked my favorite NFL team. I said the Giants. She asked "the NY Giants?" and I thought, oh, that's where they are. So she asked my favorite player. Easy one again: Dan Jones. She couldn't find his name on her list, so while she looked I told her he is new there. She typed it in. She asked about a second favorite team, so I thought of the Panthers. Luckily she didn't ask for a player's name. She didn't ask whether I was for or against shooting unarmed suspects, so we didn't get into politics.

Favorite NBA player was easy. She didn't ask for a second favorite, so she didn't have to type Peyton's name in. Favorite NBA team was obvious then.

For favorite MLB team, I went with my parents' choice of the Braves. I don't guess Murphy still plays, so it was good I didn't have to name a player.

Beyond that, I pretty much answered "None." I couldn't even think of names of teams to pretend they were my favorites, even if I had been so inclined.
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